Our App is available to help you meet your post operative goals, and aid your recovery after joint replacement surgery………..
We are with you in your own home, for every stage of
your recovery……….
Miss Gill has developed an app to help her patients meet their targets after joint replacement surgery. The app is available for both Apple and Android devices.
Once you have a date confirmed for your surgery we will register you onto our system. You will then be sent a link to allow you to download the app. You will also receive a verification code by text which you will need to complete your registration process.
The app has a daily exercise program aimed for your specific stage after surgery. There are handy tips for managing your pain, both before and after your joint replacement. You will find advice on subjects such as staying active, the benefits of weight loss, and what to expect after surgery.
The app allows you to enter pain and satisfaction scores, which are important for Miss Gill, not only to monitor her outcomes, but also to assess how well you are progressing too.
Once you have found your way around the app you will find you are able to record face to face sessions with your physio, allowing you to play back important messages from your rehab team in the comfort of your own home.
If you wish to, there is the facility to link your activity monitor to the app to allow you to further monitor your progress.